So it has been exceptionally too long since writing here. I wish i could say it was due to some huge amazing adventure, and not having time etc. However, in all honesty it has been purely down to laziness. My aim as with every time i re-invigorate myself to start posting again, is that i post on a more consistent basis. Life is busy so i won’t make it a promise but i will make better efforts!
So a LOT has happened since my previous post here. My last post was announcing to the world the birth of our First born son, Ronnie. Well if you’ve not been keeping up via other means like facebook, you won’t know that approx 20 months after bring Ronnie into the world, Marie and I had our second child, Rosie.
In the time between then and now we’ve had a number of major life changes. Changes of Houses, Churches, Countries, and even Jobs, in some cases more than once. I won’t bore you with all the details, but suffice to say we are now settled happily in South Africa, proud owners of a house, 2 healthy and flourishing children, 2 cats, a happy wife (remember, a happy wife = happy life π ) and in a fairly stable job working for Liquid Telecom
The work commute is a bit on the long side from what i was used to, in that it is now approx 45-60 mins each way. This is when compared to the previous 15 minutes or even 0 minutes when still freelancing. In contrast now, the school run is less than 10 minutes and the kids love their school and have made lots of friends so far.
We are plugged into City Hill Church in Bryanston and enjoying it and the “small church” vibe despite not being that small! In short, a lot of changes in the last few years I have to continue to be humble and acknowledge that God has played a massive part in various events. I am sure Marie (and hopefully myself too) will have further updates in due course
Life is as always, very busy, so I will keep this update this brief and will sign off with a slightly more current family picture. from an organisational perspective the observant among you will note that we have split our various blogs apart. Marie’s updates will now happen from her own dedicated site – My non-tech updates will remain here and my various technical mutterings are now found at I do trust that we will update more frequently going forwards.