Monthly Archives: October 2010

3 Years Blogging and 66 Days to go!

it might surprise some that i have technically been blogging for 3 years, no one would have thought it, while this blog in its current form and domain is not that old, i have technically been blogging for that long, i should start with a very brief history πŸ™‚
So i decided to start blogging in October 2007, i had just started FP (Frontier Impact Project) – which is a volunteer year with a local church and also do theological training. I decided it would be good to download my thoughts, i had previously been badly mish mashing thoughts over on msn spaces or live journal or whatever was called then (one way or another everyone is getting moved to wordpress!) that lasted all of about 2 months.

Finished FP then decided to do an update and then promptly forgot again until the following year (09), by which point i decided to get a bit more disciplined and start blogging slightly more regularly. Until June this year i had previously used the Drupal CMS framework and i had some crazy ideas that i could extend the site with cool stuff but in reality that never happened, i decided to move (and move all my current blog content) over to wordpress and moved to the current domain at the same time. and thats me pretty much for 3 years of blogging

last friday was exactly 10 weeks until the big day and i cant wait and cant believe how quickly the days are counting down, but i cant wait either. last week i had to pick up my “Certificate of Authority” to marry and take it to the fulham registry office, this basically means i handed in my notice a little over 3 weeks ago and the mandatory 15 days had passed where they advertised to the general public that i was getting married and have a certificate to prove that. I can now legally and freely marry my best friend in the UK, many people know that we are getting married in Zimbabwe but to avoid the red tape and probable “Gift’s” that would have to be exchanged we thought it wiser to satisfy the legalities before we fly out, in a London registry office.

so for about a month it will be a kind of wierd limbo time we wont be married but legally we are, its helping me to thing that we won’t have been officially married under the eyes of God until New Year’s eve so are not really married so even though we have a piece of paper that says we are, I wont be considering myself married until 31st December 2010 and thats when our wedding anniversary will be each year and its not an easy date to forget and your pretty much guarenteed to have a fireworks display on your anniversary every year πŸ™‚

it’s 66 days until we tie the knot and i just cant wait, i wish it would come quicker but i know it has to go at the right speed otherwise we wont get all the neccesary planning and organisation done! and other important things like Hen & Stag parties πŸ™‚

its been a busy few days this last week with a fair bit of work coming through and new clients (praise God), am praying this continues to grow as God certainly has been blessing it so far

76 Days :)

its 76 days until our wedding day, thats just over 2 months or just under 11 weeks, either way time does not wait for anyone! And i cant wait either!, we have just been to our second week of marriage prep and i have to say i am finding it remarkably helpful, Ross & Joy have experience and advice from there 30+ years of marriage that we would neccesarily be able to access as openly and honestly in any other setting except perhaps one to one, its humbling to see a couple so open and honest about some of there past challenges and issues and how they dealt with them, its refreshing and only helps for when we might have those same or similar issues.

this week involved a little bit about looking at some wedding vows and what they mean to us, we were given a few different versions, and i have to say we found something pretty much on the money of what we want to have at our wedding – not going to reveal them here so its extra special on the wedding day and we still haven’t tweaked them for us.

Life in general has been ebbing and flowing this week, had some work through this week but i cant say i was specifically busy, my uni lectures hit that “Mind Bending” stage which is good, i shall no longer be bored in the lecture! for my freelancing i got Marie to help me with Proofing the copy on my work website ( and i am glad to say it now makes sense and is grammatically correct – i wish i could say the same about this blog!

we have looked at a few houses and flats now while hunting for our new home together for the new year, pleased to say we put an offer in on a place and it was accepted, so hopefully the relevant credit checks and paperwork go smoothly and we can pick up the keys from the landlady or agent in early december just before we fly to Zimbabwe for Christmas and the Wedding! pictures of all of the above to follow in due course)

next week is a little bit more of the same at the moment, although uni coursework is out so i should really get on with that (shouldn’t take too long) Running Front of House Sound at church tomorrow which will be good fun, will try not to put too much delay on lead vox (echo to non technical people!)

Shuffling stuff about

today has been a slow day for me. not a lot of work to do today, so i was productive and decided to continue to work on my business website, one of the things i am doing is splitting my blogging! my intention is that this blog becomes a personal blog and the other blog is a technical resource, that will mean that this blog will become less geeky and more about personal updates. most of my existing geeky posts will eventually make there way over to my work site and will get redirected from here (so i keep some SEO niceness) one or 2 will likely stay here though mainly because they dont quite fit onto the new blog just yet πŸ™‚

uni lecture was boring but neccesary, will help me look into some professional development which means getting free or discounted access to courses, am hoping to firm up and get W3Schools certification on my HTML, PHP & MySQL and Javascript(if time allows)

got marriage prep tonight, should be good fun, am doing it with another couple who are my friends too which will be good. leaving this now with a link over to my new blog which currently has a nice intro of what its going to contain (to keep the geeks happy)

3 months to go

its 3 months until the big day and i cant wait. in 3 months i get to witness my best friend and the love of my life walk down the aisle towards me as we step out on a journey of faith that will take the rest of our lives to truly enjoy to its fullest. and i truly believe that Jesus is with us on this adventure, he has been with us already in the previous 5 and a half months since we got together and even since before then working seperately within our lives for His Glory. a few people have been surprised by how quickly our relationship has progressed but if you were “on the inside” over a year ago (ie working in the Newfrontiers, London office) then it doesnt come as too much of one πŸ™‚

Having worked alongside each other for over a year has had its great advantages but as you know now that i no longer work for Newfrontiers it brings different challenges over the next 3 months. firstly is contact time, now that i am not in the office i dont have anywhere near as much time in contact directly with Marie, i cant just make her a cup of her favourite tea (Peppermint or Earl Gray) and there are just less opportunities to see her. this means that i do have to be more intentional in seeing Marie, i have to pursue like i have never pursued before, i think Mark Driscoll says something like this over on his blog (although aimed at married couples i am pretty sure most of it can apply to not yet married couples) “Men, if you don’t date your wife, someone else may eventually volunteer for the job.” the buget is tight because of studying, freelancing and all the expenses that are incurred as a result of preparing for a wedding but that still shouldnt stop me, its one of those challenges that will be fun and i will only learn good habits ready for marriage

The next challenge for me is communication, i am no longer in the same office or next room from Marie every day, i cant just walk by her desk and say “Hi” or discuss anything and everything over lunch. this means again i have to more intentionally communicate, we have to use the phone more than we used to (hooray for a linked contract with free minutes – Finally O2!) communication is probably often not my strongest point especially if i dont see someone all the time, yes i can articulate myself if i need to particularly on a geeky level but remembering to initiate will often be my weakness. this challenge is gonna be a big one and again i only think God is going to use this next 3 months to build some more strong foundations with the existing ones and only make me a stronger more solid Christian Man of God and it will only set things on the good foundations when we are married, focused on Him.

and thirdly (sounds like a mini sermon doesnt it!) Absence really does make the heart grow fonder! I have only been freelancing for a week now and working mostly from home but i do miss Marie when she is not here, and i cant wait for the moments we can spend together, even when its not just the 2 of us! its only making me love her more and want look after and protect her and cherish her more (sounds like i am saying my vows already!)

will get off my soppy love box now πŸ™‚ in short (and in guy speak) its gonna be a hectic 3 months full of challenges that i am going to need prayer for and to pray about, so would appreciate any prayers you have. I know God is in this because he has been there every single step of the way so far and i really dont doubt that that will change anytime soon either!